Sunday, February 8, 2009

Music is God's language to me

I can't think of how many times I have listened to music and ended up with tears falling. My kids used to just sit next to me and rub my neck while I cried. But it is like God is speaking to my heart. I think it is so important to listen to only the good music so that we don't cloud up our ability to hear that spirit to spirit communication. Our school went to a "contemporary ballet" a few months ago and it was not uplifting. One of the students turned to me and said about some younger children that were watching, "Mrs. Winward, those little kids shouldn't be watching this." She stopped then added, "We shouldn't be watching this!" She was right. People confuse art with indecency. They are not the same, and allowing yourself to be pulled into indecency with the call of, but it is art, is just shameful. Art is to uplift. If it doesn't pull you closer to God, it isn't art, no matter what any expert says.


Jill said...

Amen to that!

christianne said...

Ditto!!!nAnd yeehaw for your student that felt it was wrong!

TooSure said...

I feel the same exact way. Music has always been a big part of my life. I love church music, I always feel the spirit so strong. It has always been so influential since I was in YWs. it is always amazing how it can turn your whole day around.

rubberbucketsaysso said...

Ditto. I hated bits of my art class for that reason. They justified nasty art by saying that art was expression of what a person is feeling, which is partially true, but I fail to see why you would become a fan of such art, so that people know how you are so unflinching in the acceptance of your depravity? I don't have an answer.