Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hi ho hi ho it's off to school we go

Summer "vacation" is over. I have decided that next year I am going to keep track of all the unpaid hours I put in at work over the summer. Then the next person that says, "it must be nice to have the whole summer off," will get told how many unpaid hours I work in the summer. Fortunately I love what I do. I love learning new things and trying new ideas. It is easier in the summer cause the kids aren't around and I can get so much done! When we were on vacation this summer we took a lot of sky pictures - Sara wanted this one. It is gorgeous.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ostler Reunion 2009

Ok, so it didn't go as planned. When I woke up in the morning to the lovely sound of rain on the roof, I knew we were in trouble. Then Sara and I drove out to the lake hoping that it would be brisk air. It wasn't, it was windy and cold and freezing and we jumped back in the car. Fortunately we had a back up plan and contacted everyone, kind of in a chain call, and we headed to Dingle to the church. We still had a great time. Games were a bit last second pulled together - thanks to my family - but we had a good time. The reunion has been changed to even years - that will make it less conflicting with a few other reunion. I am glad it went as well as it did. I am also glad that I am not in charge next year.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Last week a close group of friends I knew in high school got together - it was fun. We have only gotten together a few times in the last 30 years. We always miss a few people but it is fun to be able to talk to ple who share my teen-age memories. We laughed a lot and remembered and smiled. It was so pleasant. This picture includes my Mom and the spouses cause they share the memories too.

We also went to Mt Rushmore with Sara. That was fun too. We read a book the whole way up and back. There is so much to do up there, we could have stayed for a week. Maybe another time. Oh, and you have to get a close up on the "facilities" that Calvin is standing next to. We took the picture because of the sign. It is great.