Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Wall is gone

There was a closet that I needed gone in the new house. I wanted the space opened. So while Samantha and Bryan finished painting downstairs, Calvin, Daniel and Bruce knocked it down. Now it is really open. I like space.


Shae said...

was this a wall that was added after Grandma didn't live there anymore? is it now more like what it used to be? it looks like it...but i can't tell...

Teacher said...

Margaret and Bryan added the wall when they moved in. It really was pretty and the closet was more convenient than the one in the back. But I just like the open spaces and so I have rejoiced in its removal.

Teacher said...

ps, I am teacher, I am still signed in on my school blog - I do a homework page for students.

christianne said...

I like open spaces too and views