Friday, April 17, 2009

So, how was your tea-party?

I put a message on the radio that if anyone was interested in holding a tea-party to call me. No one called, no one called, no one called. Finally I decided I would make up my own flier, copy them at the library and hand them out at the grocery store. But the store manager said that wasn't ok - but I could put the fliers on the cars. So that is what my plan was. I did get one call the night before and two calls while I was handing out the fliers. It was cold, freezing, blowing, snowing and very wet cold. I didn't want to put the fliers on the windshields cause of the snow so I folded them up and stuck them into the door handle or in the door. Calvin came and gave me some gloves cause mine had fallen into the slushy water and my hands were so cold. I handed out 100 fliers and then went home. I just wish I could have done more, but I couldn't just sit home and do nothing. I think this spending will cripple our country. You cannot spend yourself out of debt. You buckle your belt, including the Congress who got pay increases this year. You tell everyone else to buckle their belts. You don't borrow money from your enemies, and you find things to sell to other countries. (like oil?) It is simple economy. Make a penny spend two pennies and you will always be poor. Make a penny save half a penny, you will be rich.


christianne said...

Our city hall had about 100 people there. We are a population of 6000+.

Thank you for doing that Cathy. Sometimes it seems we stand alone when trying to do what we believe in. I keep thinking of when Pres. Benson was Elder Benson and people would talk about him being such a political zealot. Now you go back and read his talks and he wasn't being a zealot he was being prophetic.

Anonymous said...

If you could hear my now, you'd hear applause. You are amazing. absolutely amazing. I totally agree with every word of your post too