Thursday, June 12, 2008

If the oil supply is the problem, wouldn't drilling help?

If you don't think the United States needs to drill for oil, you won't be interested in this. If you do think that if the gas problem is directly related to not enough gas, this would be something you might want to read.
Source Glenn Beck Show June 12th 2008:
So why IS gas so darn expensive? There are a lot of reasons, but somehow the biggest problem (as usual) points directly to Washington DC. Democrats yesterday in a subcommittee voted basically to kill going to the outer continental shelf to drill for oil because there are 'other things we can do'. Glenn would like to introduce you to the people who are preventing us from drilling here at home, because, as Glenn says, these people should be famous. When the pitchforks and torches start coming out---we'd like to help clarify who was for or against us.
Chair: Norman D. Dicks (WA)
James P. Moran (VA)
Maurice D. Hinchey (NY)
John W. Olver (MA)
Alan B. Mollohan (WV)
Tom Udall (NM)
Ben Chandler (KY)
Ed Pastor (AZ)
Dave Obey (WI), Ex Officio

Ranking Member:
Todd Tiahrt (KS)
John E. Peterson (PA)
Jo Ann Emerson (MO)
Virgil H. Goode, Jr. (VA)
Ken Calvert (CA)
Jerry Lewis (CA), Ex Officio
This was on the glenn beck letter today. The above link covers it more fully. The question is, what are we going to do about this? If you know anyone from these states, send it on and ask them to get on line and write their Congress person and give them heck!
Here is a link to find your Congress person's address. We didn't have to add the second part of the zip, but we live in a tiny town and you might need to. Don't just sit and stew, go forth and do!
You will have to copy these and put them in your address, cause they are not live links

If we don't do something, we are just as responsible as the politicians who have caused this problem in the first place. I have heard that the environmentalists are afraid that if we drill off the coasts that oil spills will happen. No oil spills happened during Katrina although the sites were seriously damaged. I have heard that China is planning on drilling 50 miles off our coast, who is more environmentally careful, the US or China? Please, write and send this to anyone you know that will help. If we flood these legislators offices with letters protesting their decision, maybe a change can happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im actually quite clueless on the subject...and maybe because of that I wasn't quite clear on what you meant. Who is the "against" list- those against drilling or those against what we want them to do? Do I need to bug Norm Dicks or applaud him?