Sunday, November 9, 2008

Let the Lower Lights Be Burning

I heard the most amazing talk the other day. There is a hymn that Mark and Gary and someone else used to sing. The chorus was, "Let the lower lights be burning; Send a gleam across the wave. Some poor fainting, struggling seaman you may rescue, you may save. " hymn 335

The speaker said that the lighthouses weren't enough in really bad storms, so the lighthouse keeper would send words to the houses along the shore, to keep their lights burning, they were the lower lights. The Savior is the lighthouse, but we are the lower lights. It is so important, especially now, that we make sure that our lights are on and that we are reaching out to those who are struggling. We cannot judge others, just make sure we are following the Savior and that our lights are on to show the way.


Anonymous said...

so perfectly profound- not only should we do our best to be the "lower lights" but I like how you mentioned that we are not there to preach - but to love and reach out :) Wonderful thought for the week.

christianne said...

I really like that! Thank you.