Thursday, July 24, 2008


I always wondered what happened to Corianton. Did he humble himself, listen to his father and repent? Or did he just continue to rebel and ruin his life? I knew that I had read something once that made me think that he had given away all his sins and turned to do right, but I couldn't find it. This week I found it. It is in Alma 48:17-18 where it talks about Moroni, and if all men were like him the powers of hell would be shaken. Then if verse 18 it talks about Ammon and ALL of Alma's sons being as good as Moroni. I love it that we have the ability to repent, that God doesn't want us to live unhappily stuck in our sins. He wants us to have the freedom that obedience brings, freedom from the painful sword of sin. I am so grateful for that.


Anonymous said...

short and sweet - and I totally agree. Sometimes I think about that concept much happiness I have now simply because I was able to get rid of the yuck I'd brought on myself. I love reading the Book of Mormon and re-finding stuff like that.
Oh, and Ryan's Grandpa's house has been empty for about 3 months but since his Grandpa is about 93, he wasn't able to take care of a lot that was falling apart..let alone SEE what might be all around him.

Celeste said...

Oh, thank you for that! I love hearing the "rest" of the story.

Ken and Shanda said...

One of the true gems of the Book of Mormon, without a doubt.